Thursday 23 July 2015


I have marveled the metamorphosis amongst certain insects like the butterflies, dragon flies and mosquitoes; and amphibians like the frogs. The process of metamorphosis is interesting to observe in them. I have watched with keen interest how these creatures of nature change into different shapes and forms during their growth from the egg into larvae. It is amazing to watch them adapt to different habits unlike their parents. Finally they shed their outer covering and move into a totally different environment.

Unlike insects and amphibians, the advanced beings in the animal kingdom, the mammals including human beings, undergo a similar metamorphosis in the womb of the mother. The human life cycle begins at fertilization, when an ovum, a cell inside a woman, and a sperm cell from a man fuse to form a one-celled zygote. Over the next few days, the single, large cell divides many times to form a hollow ball of smaller cells, and this hollow ball latches into the wall of the mother's uterus / womb. Once all the organs have formed, he / she is called a foetus. The placenta connects the embryo to the mother's blood supply. This embryo grows rapidly while in amniotic fluid. Between three months and nine months the foetus grows until it is about twenty times as long. In about nine months the baby comes out to an entirely new environment. It is an incarnation in the sense that the characteristics of the parents and his predecessors have been passed on to the baby through the genes embedded in the chromosomes, a scientifically proven fact.

Is metamorphosis (found in smaller organisms and higher animals) the basis for re-birth?

A small healthy twig taken from a broken down branch of a good variety of mango tree can be used for budding. Cloning has been made possible in the case of animals. Even certain parts of our body such as the heart, kidney and eye can be donated before or immediately after death and transplanted into another being. Similarly, when plant produces or the flesh of an animal that has been slaughtered is consumed, we obtain starch, proteins and amino-acids required for our body system.  But a re-birth is unfeasible or impossible after death. Death is a clear and unequivocal expression of life force leaving the body. The religious ethos of hell, heaven and rebirth or resurrection is cooked up by priests to exploit their blind believers.

 Excerpts from


An autobiography
Joseph J. Thayamkeril
Lawyer, Kochi, Kerala, India.

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