Friday 12 December 2014


 On one occasion, Jacob and I noticed the carcass of a big rat in the midst of the wildly overgrown grass in one corner of our compound. A stench lingered in that corner. I was wondered why the scavengers like the crow abandoned it. We ignored it. However, after a few days, we went in search of the carcass to investigate the stage of decay. I pitch-forked the big rat into an open space with a long bamboo reaper. As we turned over the loose body, we were surprised to see a lot of maggots and flies that came out through the mouth and the anus region. There was practically nothing left except the bag of skin. We realized that the skin, the vital fleshy sheath that holds in all the squishy organs and fluid, was not easily perishable like the flesh. It keeps the animal safe from parasites and microscopic invaders while also giving the animal a marvelous tactile sense of the world around. I understand that the elements like Sodium and Potassium, and Vitamin-C made the skin durable and protected it from heat. We were amazed at the kind of protection Mother Nature afforded by providing the skin to animals.

Excerpts from


An autobiography
Joseph J. Thayamkeril
Lawyer, Kochi, Kerala, India.

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